Lebanon Emergency

Wish Foundation UK > Charity > Lebanon Emergency

Lebanon Emergencies

Lebanon’s multifaceted emergencies require urgent international attention and support. Humanitarian organizations are working tirelessly to provide aid and resources, but sustainable solutions are essential to address the root causes of the crises and promote recovery and stability.Syrian Refugees: Lebanon hosts a large number of Syrian refugees, placing additional strain on resources and services. This has led to increased competition for jobs, housing, and public services.
  • Date

    March 21, 2023

Project Challenging story

Following the devastating explosion in August 2020, various organizations launched projects to rebuild affected neighborhoods. However, funding shortages and bureaucratic hurdles delayed reconstruction efforts. Local volunteers stepped in to provide immediate relief, distributing food and supplies while advocating for long-term rebuilding plans.

Water Access Initiatives

In rural areas of Lebanon, communities struggle with access to clean water.

Healthcare Services

Hospitals and clinics providing emergency and outpatient care.

Food Assistance

 Food banks and distribution programs for vulnerable populations.

Water and Sanitation

 Water purification and distribution initiatives.