Homeless Shelter

Wish Foundation UK > Charity > Homeless Shelter

Homeless Shelter

A homeless shelter is a temporary place that provides overnight accommodation, food, and other basic necessities to individuals or families who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. These shelters offer a safe refuge from danger, attack, or observation, and may provide additional services such as counseling, job training, and medical care to help occupants get back on their feet.
  • Date

    March 21, 2023

Project Challenging story

 Homeless shelters can be a powerful way to raise awareness about the complexities of homelessness and the importance of providing support to those in need. Such a project can involve collecting and sharing personal stories of individuals who have experienced homelessness, highlighting the challenges they faced, and showcasing the impact of homeless shelters on their lives.

Temporary Housing

Providing a safe and stable place to stay for individuals and families in need.

Emergency Shelter

 Offering immediate shelter and support during times of crisis.

Restrooms and Showers

Providing access to basic hygiene facilities.


Providing transportation to and from shelter facilities, as well as to other essential services.